Friday, May 26, 2017

Good Luck in First Grade!

I can't believe the year has come to an end! We've had a fabulous year learning and growing together. Good luck in first grade, kiddos! Mrs. Bratton loves you!

KPREP Ready!

We've had a blast getting fired up and ready for KPREP! The kids have loved supporting the "big kids" who will be taking the test. The pep rally was definitely a highlight but they LOVED getting to do the "Whip and Nae Nae" with Mrs. Corsi's class (because they are going to "whip" the test!)

Enjoying the Weather!

It has been BEAUTIFUL this week! We have LOVED getting to play outside and enjoy this lovely weather and discuss what we ave been learning in Science!

Stem Lab Fun!

The kids have been working on building their own bubble wands in STEM lab! They had a blast trying them out!

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The kids worked so hard on their play, "How Does Your Garden Grow?" Their performance was wonderful and truly reflected their hard work! Way to go kiddos!