Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Slow Poke Fun!

The kids (and grown ups!) had a great time on our field trip to Slow Poke Farm!

We started our trip off with a lesson from "Mamaw" about shucking corn and its uses

The kids even got to have a corn shucking competition! 

 The kids got to take their corn they shucked to feed to the goat and sheep.

Then we got a lesson about chickens in the hen house!

 Feeding the ducks in the pond was a blast!

 Next up was our hayride! The kids loved it!
Feeding the cows was hilarious! The kiddos loved it when the cows licked their hands!

Getting turned around in the corn maze was a highlight!

 My attempt at a selfie with the kids :) 

 They kids got a little time to play after lunch! 

I think it's safe to say, the kids had a blast! :)

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